Our Love story

The Bride Version

SO….. depending on which of us is telling the story occurances may be different so I’ll start. I was in a chill season minding my own business and my man slide in the DM on Friday April 14, 2023. Now, he was no stranger we did attend the greatest high school in the world together (The Glen Oaks High). Anyway, he slide in real casual asking “how’s life?, are you STILL married” LOL. Yep, right to the point thing is, I’ve never been married. So, I responded  “hey, I was never married, how are you”? He then sent me his number and said, call me. Apparently, I did not call fast enough because not even an hour later he said “im waiting” so, I called and did we talk! We talked about high school, God, careers, kids, future plans I mean everyrthing. At the end of the conversation a date had been planned. The date went great! Amazing food (IFYYK) and even better conversation. From that day forward, we dated, debated (LOL fr), traveled, ate, studied scirpture, prayed, went to church, had tough conversations etc. During this time he would often tell me “Im going to marry you and you know im a man of my word”, and YES I believed him. Now here we are and I couldn’t be happier 😊

Thank you for being part of our journey!

The Groom Version

Ok, so this is how the love connection came about , I went to school with Kia awhile back so I already knew some stuff about her and I already knew how she looked but that’s it , I’m scrolling through insta one day and I’m like “oh yea, I remember her” then something came up so I put my phone down and I came back but the picture was gone man! I’m like “aww nah that’s wild.” So I come back a few days later and I’m like let me see if I can find the page again and I see a picture of a lady and I’m like ok I think this it , so I click the message and text her , So I said hey how have you been lady ? You know thinking she would remember me from school but she’s like oh I’m good and nothing much just whatever watever. So I’m like I don’t know if this is her because im aksing questions and the lady is not on the same page. So. I leave the messages and I see Kia posted a picture 🫡👀.. (Yessir We got action) So I just stopresponding to Ms. Lady and go to Kia page. I send a DM saying “Hey how you’ve been?” and she remembered the Kid! Long story short I gave her my number you know to see if she was really interested and she was taken way to long to hit me up , So I’m like “it’s been an hour mam you busy or something?” She goes to play wit me and responded “ohhhhhh I didn’t know you meant today I’ll call you in a minute. So, a few minutes go by I get the call. This was one of the most epic conversations I’ve ever had , So I’m asking her, “hey when is a good time for me to take you out ? “ So again, long story Short here we are today, you know 🫡😜🙏!

Thank you for being part of our journey!